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Use of the site
poderepapilio.it takes the utmost care in the quality of the information published. Nonetheless, in relation to the great variety of sources used, internal and external, and the large number of pages available, it is good to keep in mind that with the passage of time the information may lose its validity and reliability. It is therefore advisable to take note, where present, of the date of the last published update. In no case can poderepapilio.it be held responsible for damages of any nature caused directly or through access to the site, by the inability or impossibility of accessing it, nor for the use of the news contained therein. poderepapilio.it reserves the right to modify the contents of the site at any time and without notice.

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poderepapilio.it assumes no responsibility for the content of the sites that can be accessed via the links within the site itself, provided as a simple service to users. Their presence does not imply approval of the content presented therein nor any form of assurance regarding the quality of the services or products available therein.

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For problems, abuses, violations, please forward reports via email to the editorial address shown on the first page.

Computer viruses
poderepapilio.it has an antivirus system, updated periodically: given the multifaceted ways of transmitting computer viruses and their rapid propagation, poderepapilio.it, however, assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by the transmission of undetected viruses.

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Privacy protection
The personal data provided for access to the services are processed as specified in the (information note) in compliance with the new GDPR.

Contact details
For suggestions and reports, please refer to the contact details in the footer published on the first page of the website www.poderepapilio.it
Information pursuant to EU Regulation No. 679/2016 on the protection of personal data
(Personal data protection code)

In compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation No. 679/2016 on the protection of personal data (Personal data protection code), poderepapilio.it

Data controller, provides the following information:
• the processing of your personal data is aimed solely at carrying out the se from the site.
• the processing will be carried out by specially appointed persons, with the use of computerized procedures, capable of protecting and guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data provided, and in the ways and limits necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes;
• the provision of data is necessary for the performance of the aforementioned service;
therefore, failure to provide them will make it impossible to perform the service itself;
• the data provided may be processed by the Data Controller and the Persons in Charge;
• the data itself will not be disclosed to third parties;
• interested parties may exercise the rights to obtain confirmation of the processing of their personal data, to request its rectification, updating and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons, by addressing requests to the Data Controller;

Link to the European Platform for online dispute resolution